What is Anti-Bias and Anti-Racist Education?

Bias is learned.

From their earliest days of life, children receive messages about their own identity and the identities of others.

“By age five, Black and Hispanic children show no preference toward their own group compared to Whites. On the other hand, White kids remain strongly biased in favor of whiteness.

By the start of kindergarten, children begin to show many of the same implicit racial attitudes that adults in our culture hold. Children have already learned to associate some groups with higher status, or more positive value, than others.” - Andrew Grant Thomas

Anti-bias and anti-racist education develops knowledge, critical thinking and skills in these areas:

  • the various dimensions of personal and cultural identity

  • basic terms relating to bias and discrimination

  • the impact of culture and differences on communication

  • recognizing, acknowledging and addressing bias and discrimination in oneself, others and within institutions

Children’s books that work within the anti-racist framework:

  • Explore identity, diversity, justice and action

  • Teach about whiteness and white privilege

  • Give children knowledge and skills to critique white power and white supremacy and to make social change

  • Depict black joy and everyday life

To learn more about anti-racist education, we recommend reading the work of Iheoma U. Iruka, Stephanie M. Curenton, Tonia R. Durden, and Kerry-Ann Escayg. Their book, Don’t Look Away, was a key resource as we developed Kaleidoscope Days.

To learn more about the anti-bias framework, we recommend exploring the work of Louise Derman-Sparks and Julie Olsen Edwards as well as their book, Anti-Bias Education for Young Children and Ourselves.

You can also read more about anti-racist education on the ADL website.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur dignissim neque metus, non porttitor purus cursus non. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Duis faucibus lacus sed nulla congue congue. Morbi a ligula lobortis, maximus orci in, egestas dui. Duis fringilla ut nunc vitae vulputate.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur dignissim neque metus, non porttitor purus cursus non. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Duis faucibus lacus sed nulla congue congue. Morbi a ligula lobortis, maximus orci in, egestas dui. Duis fringilla ut nunc vitae vulputate.